Nashville Rear-End Collision Accident Attorneys
Rear-end collision accidents happen when one motor vehicle hits another from behind, and are among the most common types of car accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), out of the 6 million car accidents recorded on U. S. Roads every year, nearly 40% are rear-ended collisions. Breaking it down to averages, that is one accident every 8 seconds. Since a collision involves slow speeds and minimal damage to cars, the victim sometimes does not receive proper compensation. Some even argue that the victim’s injuries are just minor ones and do not require medical attention. This argument can be very dangerous, however. Studies have shown that whiplash is the most common injury sustained in a rear-end car collision accident, and sometimes does not manifest until after several hours or even days after the accident.
If you or a family member have been injured in a rear-end collision accident in Tennessee, you must seek the guidance and counsel of an experienced Nashville rear-end collision accident attorney. This is to protect your rights and help you better understand all the legal options at hand.
Number 1 Cause of Rear-End Collisions
The most common cause of a rear-end collision accident is following too closely, or what is known as tailgating. When drivers do not give ample space between them and the vehicle in front, there is no sufficient time to stop and avoid hitting that car. It is because of this habit that the fault is almost always placed on the driver who was in the rear.
Tailgating, on the other hand, can be caused by many reasons. Distracted driving, when the driver is using a hand-held device like a cell phone or bending down to pick up something or fiddling with the radio, can be quite distracting.
Some other causes of rear-end collisions include speeding, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, driving while drowsy or tired, and ignoring poor weather and road conditions.
In most of these circumstances, the fault is usually placed on the driver of the rear vehicle. There are instances, however, that the fault lies on the driver of the car in the front. Instances such as the front driver stopping suddenly for no apparent reason, the front driver making an illegal or unsafe lane change or turn, the front car having broken or non-functioning brake lights or a rear-end accident involving 3 vehicles wherein the third car crashes into the second car with enough force to send it crashing into the first car as well.
Number 1 Injury in Rear-End Collisions
The number 1 most common injury seen in rear-end collisions is whiplash. It is a type of neck injury caused by a sudden violent movement of the head forward, backward, or sideways. It is characterized by neck pain, stiffness, headaches, muscle spasms, and pain in the shoulders and arms.
It can be a bit tricky to diagnose because the symptoms may take several hours or even days before developing and may worsen as days go by. While it is typically not a life-threatening injury, it can lead to a prolonged period of partial disability.
Some people have suggested that whiplash, in some cases, is not so much as a physiologic injury but more of an imagined one, designed to earn more monetary gain for the victim. Studies have debunked this notion and have proven that whiplash is a real condition with real symptoms requiring real medical attention.
Other injuries from rear-end crashes include facial injuries from airbag explosions, traumatic brain injuries, broken bones, lacerations and bruises, paralysis, and spinal cord injuries such as herniated discs and compression fractures. The severity of these injuries depends on the force of the impact and whether the victim is wearing a seat belt or not.
Compensation Under Tennessee’s Comparative Negligence Law
In a rear-end collision, you must prove the fault of the other driver to recover compensation. You must present a copy of the police report, obtain witnesses’ information, work with accident recreation experts, and keep records of all medical reports and expenses. If the investigation reveals the other driver is 100% at fault, you will receive compensation for all economic, non-economic, medical bills, and even punitive damages, if applicable.
Under Tennessee’s Comparative Negligence Law, however, your compensation will be decreased depending on the percentage of fault you have in the crash. If an investigation finds that your negligence contributed to the accident by 10%, your compensation will be decreased by 10%. For example, if you were awarded $50,000 in damages and you were 10% at fault for the crash, you would receive only $45,000 in damages. If one party is 50% at fault, neither party may recover damages.
Filing A Claim For Compensation
Insurance companies make money by receiving premium payments and investing funds and lose money by paying claims. When you file a claim for compensation, they will do everything they can to dole out as little money as possible. Some will talk to you even before you are seen by medical professionals and offer a ridiculously low amount of money that can barely cover your expenses. Some will delay settlement, deny a claim, or even place the blame on you or elsewhere to avoid paying compensation. They may even trick you into agreeing on a settlement without any explanations whatsoever.
It is critical that you file your insurance claim as soon as possible to ensure the utmost success. Time is of the essence in personal injury cases. It is also extremely vital that you avoid discussing the details of your case with co-workers, associates, friends, or even insurance company representatives before talking to your personal injury attorney. Anything you say can be used against you later, so remember that silence is golden.
Our Nashville rear-end collision accident attorneys can help you as our Tennessee law firm has helped countless individuals and families suffering serious injury or even death so that you can receive the compensation you deserve. We consult with expert accountants, financial analysts, and economists, to assess all associated costs, including pain and suffering, lost income, medical expenses, and all other monetary concerns.
Seek Help From Nashville Rear-End Collision Accident Attorneys
In situations wherein you are rendered unable to work, our Nashville attorneys can build a solid case for compensation from every party responsible for giving you the physical, emotional, and property damages that are commensurate to your condition. We can even retain vocational counseling and economics experts so we can accurately present these damages to an insurance adjuster or a jury.
Call our law firm as soon as you can after your accident. We are here to give our clients expert advice; we work as a team for you, and we are always available to answer your questions. Our personal injury attorneys in Tennessee will make sure that you get not the minimum that insurance companies offer, but the best possible compensation. Choose a law firm that cares about you. Schedule an appointment with us today.
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