Choose A Top-Rated Automobile Accident Attorney To Defend Your Case

It is important to drive with caution in Nashville. Unfortunately, how others behave on the road is something that is usually beyond control. Getting involved in a car accident causing injury can be devastating, leaving a trail of medical bills, lost working hours, car repairs, and most importantly physical injuries leaving you and your family picking up the pieces. To achieve the settlement you deserve in the least amount of time possible, hiring a Nashville car accident lawyer is essential. Our team of highly-experienced attorneys works with our clients from the first call to support you and your family until you settle or win your case.

Stillman & Friedland – Trusted Nashville Car Accident Lawyer

Most Common Reasons You Need a Nashville Car Accident Attorney

While each and every accident in Nashville is unique to the circumstances around it, a few factors can contribute to car accidents such as:

  • Distracted driving accidents – with an increase in cell phone and tablet use, accidents due to negligence are on the rise.
  • Drunk driving accidents – driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs account for roughly 20% of car fatalities /wrongful death cases, according to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
  • Bad weather – heavy fog can impair a drivers visibility while snow and ice can cause roads to be slippery and decrease vehicle control causing car accidents.
  • Speeding accidents – going beyond the speed limit can also render a motor vehicle difficult to control.
  • Mechanical failure – due to negligence or factory defects steering and suspension, tires, brakes, and lighting cause thousands of motor vehicle accidents yearly.
  • Improper road maintenance – roads riddled with potholes and uneven pavement, malfunctioning traffic lights and improper signage have all been proven to cause car accidents

Most Common Types of Injury in Motor Vehicle Accidents

Whether you are the driver or a passenger, or you were in the front or rear of the car, injuries can affect just about any part of the body, the severity of which may be influenced if you are wearing a seat belt or not. These injuries can take a severe toll not only on your finances but also on your ability to go back to work after recovery. In the State of Tennessee, you are entitled to seek compensation for your medical bills, your lost income, and possibly for permanent disability or death.

  • Head and neck injuries such as whiplash
  • Spinal cord injuries such as fractured discs
  • Fractured bones
  • Severe hemorrhage or bleeding
  • Lacerations and bruises
  • Organ damage such as ruptured lungs
  • Loss of limbs

What Compensation Are You Entitled To in Tennessee

Clients who suffer property and physical injury can be assigned a dollar value to include present and future medical expenses, lost income, property damage, rehabilitation, and long-term care.  The value of your compensation can be crucial if you have lost your ability to earn an income, become permanently disabled, or been a victim of wrongful death because of an accident. There are damages that are hard to assign a monetary value to. These may include immediate and long-term physical pain, emotional trauma, disfigurement or scarring, impairment due to loss of a limb, eyesight or hearing, and loss of companionship.  Punitive damages are also given In the State of Tennessee if the liable party acted in a malicious or reckless manner such as driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs or in obvious violation of the law, the purpose of which is both to punish the offender and serve as a warning to others and prevent them from behaving in a similar manner.

What Should You Do Right After A Car Accident?

If you are injured anywhere in Nashville or Tennessee you must call 911, report the accident and request medical assistance. Seeking medical attention, even if you feel your injuries are minor or you are not feeling any pain. Some injuries, like whiplash, do not manifest for several hours or even days after an accident.  Police are usually dispatched to the scene if there are people injured. Talk to them and provide all the necessary information so that they can file their report. Do not admit fault at any time. Let accident recreation experts do that. Insurance companies tend to become very aggressive in dealing with car accident victims. Often making them believe that the compensation offer they put forward is in their best interest. The truth is they just want to make a quick settlement before the victim realizes the true extent of the losses they incurred and the severity of the injuries sustained, aiming to pay the least amount of compensation possible. Our Nashville car accident lawyer deals with insurance companies directly, handling every detail regarding your compensation claims. You can allow us to be your sole contact with the insurance company, provide complete information about your injuries, and negotiate or litigate your case to ensure the best possible outcome for you.

How Will You Know Who Is To Blame?

When it comes to injury law determining which driver is at fault in a car accident is extremely important to the success of your claim. Your attorney’s investigation into the accident will reveal who the victims are and who is liable. Tennessee is an “at-fault” state, meaning it is the responsibility of the driver who caused the accident or his insurance company to pay for property damage or physical/emotional damage. You can either file a third-party claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company, file a claim with your own insurance company who will, in turn, try to recover damages from the at-fault driver or his insurer, or file a lawsuit against the other driver in civil court.  When you file a claim with an insurance company, an insurance adjuster will investigate to determine liability. In general, the insurer will offer you a settlement. Do not accept an offer without an attorney. Insurance companies may seem like they’re on your side, but they do not like losing money. They will try their hardest to reduce your compensation claim to as little as possible. It is in your best interest to let an attorney evaluate everything first.

Do’s and Don’ts


  • Do try to document the car accident scene systematically. Take photos, write down everything you saw or heard while it is still fresh in your mind. If you cannot do these, ask someone else to help you.
  • Do provide the police with factual information. Avoid giving assumptions and opinions.
  • Do assess your insurance policy. The outcome of your claim can be affected by your understanding of the terms of agreement with your insurance company. Be honest with them, too. A lot may be gained or lost if facts are misrepresented.
  • Do get a copy of the accident report. It will be a vital piece of evidence that your attorney can use in your favor.
  • Do exchange information with the other drivers involved in the accident. Trade your full legal name, address, telephone number, insurance carrier, license plate number, and any other additional contact information.


  • Don’t admit fault without an attorney. Suppress your instinct to apologize. Remember that anything you say after the car accident may open you up to blame later on.
  • Don’t wait too long in contacting your insurance company. Delaying calling them may give them reasons to suspect you of dishonesty.
  • Don’t let your insurers record any statement from you without an attorney. They will always try to catch you with inconsistencies so they can pay you less.
  • Don’t accept any offers, especially if your car accident attorney has not yet determined the extent of your loss.

If you or a family member has been seriously injured or a victim of wrongful death due to a car accident in Nashville or Tennessee act quickly to protect your rights. Our team of motor vehicle attorneys has over 75 years of combined legal expertise to make sure those rights are preserved. We always have an available attorney to answer your questions, whether in person on the phone or via our online form. Our goal is to achieve the best compensation outcome for our Tennessee clients whether its property damage, personal injury, or medical expenses we`ll get you on the road to recovery. We work on the premise of serving our clients with honesty, compassion, reliability, and integrity combined with good old-fashioned personal service to get your life back on track. Our Nashville car accident lawyer works with the support of the finest and most capable injury law specialists in Nashville who reflect our commitment to the value of caring and serving our clients to the best of our abilities. Fill in our online form or call us to get started with our Nashville car accident lawyer.


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