Thanksgiving Precautions and Safety Reminders

Thanksgiving Precautions and Safety Reminders

Jay Stillman

2 min read

It’s hard to believe, but Thanksgiving is upon us once again, and at Stillman and Friedland, we want to wish you a happy and safe holiday season. To avoid unfortunate and preventable accidents, both at home and on the roads, we’d like to take this time to remind everyone about some essential precautions during this time of year. Here are some Thanksgiving precautions and safety reminders to ensure the safety of you and your loved ones:

Driving Safely During Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Eve, also known as “Black Wednesday,” is one of the most dangerous times of the year to be driving. Poor weather conditions, along with distracted and intoxicated drivers, can combine potentially tragic circumstances. If at all possible, we recommend avoiding traveling during this day, especially at nighttime. As of this post, weather forecasts for Middle Tennessee are calling for potentially cold and wet driving conditions on Wednesday the 24th, so it would be wise to adjust your plans accordingly.

Safety Tips for Deep Frying a Turkey

At-home risks are also a concern. Thanksgiving is the number one day of the year for home fires in the United States, with the risks of cooking fires increasing 3-fold. The primary activity related to these fire-related incidents is deep-frying turkeys. Oven-roasting a turkey is the recommended way to cook, but if you choose to use a deep-fryer, here are some essential tips:

  • Always fry your turkey outdoors and away from any buildings, structures, or trees
  • Make sure the turkey is fully defrosted to prevent a boil-over effect
  • Remove any water or moisture from your turkey or the cooking pot
  • Never leave the deep fryer unattended and always keep it away from children

To ensure a hassle-free cooking experience, here is a step-by-step guide on how to properly deep fry a turkey:

How to Deep Fry A Turkey - Step By Step Guide


We hope you enjoyed reading these Thanksgiving precautions and safety reminders. We also hope you use these safety tips to help you plan for an incident-free holiday. Stillman and Friedland wishes you a very happy Thanksgiving, and you and yours stay safe!

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