Back to School Safety Tips from Stillman & Friedland

Categories: Safety Tips

Jay Stillman

3 min read

It’s never a dull moment with kids—just when you got used to having them home, it’s time to go back to school. And just as summer brings vacation challenges, there is a whole set of worries when your kids go back to school. In this post, Stillman & Friedland helps you review some safety guidelines for the upcoming school year:

  1. Getting to school:
    • Bussing it: Make sure your kids get out the door in plenty of time. We all have at least one kid who’s slow-moving and/or disorganized. Help them get it together the night before, so they never “have to” run across the street to get to a waiting bus.
    • Walking: Review the rules for avoiding strangers—never engage with or accept rides with anyone! Remind them that they must obey traffic signs, and cross only at corners, and with traffic lights or in crosswalks after looking both ways! If you feel that your kid’s school route has safety issues, call the school or police department—an added sign or round-the-corner mirror, plus crossing guards can make a big difference, and that’s why you pay taxes!
    • Driving: If you let your teen drive, the most important thing to discuss is distracted driving. NO TEXTING, and LIMIT the number of other teens in the car. Statistics show that these are the two biggest causes of accidents for teens. Texting is an obvious risk—and you can get apps to restrict this problem. However, there is no way to control the distraction of friends in the car, and the more kids, the worse the risk of accidents, and the greater potential for tragedy. Never allow your teen to take more than one or at most two kids in the car.
  2. School Problems:
    • Keep an open line of communication and watch for signs of a bad day—you want your child to turn to you for help to solve the problems he or she can’t, whether that’s a hard time in math or a bully. Don’t wait for the teacher to call if your kid is constantly school-shy.
    • If you pack a school lunch, make sure foods will stay cold until lunchtime, especially in hotter weather! Use a reusable ice pack—not a frozen sugary drink—to keep it cool.
    • Are your kids dragging home backpacks that are bigger that they are? A backpack with wheels will prevent damage to your child’s spine. Also, review their lesson plans with the teacher and see if all those books really need to come home each day. Here’s a great video to share with your kids before they hit the books—and the road:
School Bus Safety: Back-to-School Tips for Parents

We wish all a safe return to school and a successful year of learning. Stillman and Friedland,

Jay Stillman