Avoiding Car and Truck Accidents This Winter

Jay Stillman

2 min read

Photo Credit: Jeroen Kransen (cropped) [CC BY 2.5 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5)], via Wikimedia Commons

The Law Office of Stillman and Friedland always sees an uptick in accidents during the winter. Even if you are a seasoned driver, it is well worth your while to review some winter basics and minimize your exposure to accidents while driving. What’s our top tip? If the weather is really bad, stay home! Always keep emergency groceries stocked at home for when the weather turns cold, so you don’t need to go out. Don’t forget where you keep your flashlight and the backup batteries in case the electricity goes out.

Obviously, we can’t hole up for the whole winter, and people need to get to work and school. Here is a basic starting quiz you can do yourself or with a teen driver to get the ball rolling on winter driving prep and open the discussion on winter safety basics:

Our next video clip points out one of the most dangerous aspects of cold weather driving, black ice. We all tend to slow down when we see snow accumulating on the roadway, but patches of black ice are invisible dangers which give little if any warning. You are most likely to encounter black ice from evening until the morning, but there are areas which are always prone to ice. This means that commuters are impacted by black ice that forms in shaded areas, including under freeway bridges. Learn how to cope with skidding and to use your braking system effectively, depending on which kind you have.

What else can you to be prepared for winter driving emergencies?

  • Get your car winterized, checking tires for correct pressure and sufficient tread.
  • Check your wipers and fill up anti-freeze.
  • Pack emergency supplies in your trunk such as a warning sign, flashlight and batteries, blankets, and a few snacks in case you are stuck.
  • A reflecting vest and a shovel plus sand or cat litter will keep you visible and safer if you need to dig out of snow and get traction on ice. That bag of sand or kitty litter will also add weight to stabilize the back end of your car while driving.

Even well-prepared drivers can get into accidents due to circumstances beyond their control when other drivers are less responsible and road conditions are poor. If you experience a winter accident, Stillman and Friedland are here to help you with the best expertise you need to make a good recovery.