Truck Collisions: How to Know an Expert

Jay Stillman

2 min read

Big truck cases are unlike car accident cases — in fact, they are completely different. If you have been involved in an accident with a truck, you need an attorney and law firm that really knows what they are doing. Fast action is essential!

Often, evidence in big truck collisions is destroyed in as little as 2 weeks. This includes evidence, photos, scene layouts, scattered parts, and defects in the truck. All of these things are essential to your case. Additionally, witnesses must be located and interviewed as soon as possible before they forget important details.

It takes time and money to handle a big truck accident case properly and the accident attorneys at Stillman & Friedland know how to do just that. From the best experts, photographers, truck safety engineers, accident reconstruction experts, we spare no expense to assure you get the best representation possible.

The best accident/injury settlements come from preparing for trial and that means gathering evidence quickly and competently, leaving no stone unturned.

There are many sources for the proper information and regulations regarding trucking companies, which are regulated as to many details of operation to assure your safety, including:

  • Driver hours spent on the road
  • Driver Logs
  • Competence of Drivers
  • Driving Records
  • Truck and Trailer Inspection Reports
  • Even electronic recorders like “black boxes” in airplanes

These are updated constantly, so you need the best firm to stay on top of the latest rules and regulations that may impact your case!

We spare no expense to make sure you get the most compensation for your injuries.

Be sure to remember Stillman & Friedland for all of your personal injury needs.

When you need an experienced law firm, you need the attorneys at Stillman & Friedland!